There is one VSF employee license held by an individual from San Patricio set to expire during the third quarter, an increase over the previous quarter.
On Nov. 27, Corisa A. and Travis J. Rose purchased a home at 1515 Mission Hills Lane, Corinth from Corisa Ackley and Corisa A. Rose. The property is appraised at $356,910.
On Nov. 27, Rosario Cruz Hernandez and Abel Navarrete Mendoza sold their home at 2316 Picadilly Lane, Denton to Jose Antonio Sotelo Gonzalez. The property is appraised at $201,785.
Texas Woman's University issued the following announcement on Nov. 22Five Texas Woman’s kinesiology seniors turned classroom theories into a real-world device, and brought home several awards, by competing in the Texas Space Grant Consortium Design Challenge Showcase November 16-17.