
North Texas News

Friday, March 14, 2025

There were 4,286 students enrolled in Lewisville High School in 2021-22 school year in Denton County

Lewisville High School had the highest enrollment among Denton County schools, welcoming 4,286 students during the 2021-22 academic year, according to the Texas Education Agency report.

Of all the students welcomed in the 2021-22 school year, 51.6% of them were boys, and 48.4% were girls.

Data also showed that the majority of students were Hispanic, representing 55.5% of the Lewisville High School total enrollment.

Among the 221 schools in Denton County, Hebron High School ranked second in enrollment numbers with 3,655 students, while Flower Mound High School welcomed 3,602 students and ranked third in the 2021-22 school year.

Lewisville High School is a part of Lewisville ISD, which roughly covers schools within Denton County with its main office in Lewisville.

In the previous school year, Lewisville High School also had the highest number of students among Denton County schools.

Texas is found to be one of the least educated states in the U.S. A study from WalletHub ranked Texas 41st out of 50 states in terms of the quality of the educational system and how successful students were.

More than 5.4 million students are enrolled in public schools across Texas. Nearly one million of them live in rural areas where options for local public schools are few and far between.

The Texas education system is currently torn between public schools and taxpayer-funded private schools.

Critics argue that private schools use funds that should go to the public school system, while private school advocates claim they’re offering better education for more Texas students.

Enrollment in Lewisville High School Over 3 Years

Enrollment in Denton County Schools During 2021-22 School Year

School NameCityTotal School Enrollment
Lewisville High SchoolLewisville4,286
Hebron High SchoolCarrollton3,655
Flower Mound High SchoolFlower Mound3,602
Marcus High SchoolFlower Mound3,027
Byron Nelson High SchoolTrophy Club2,733
Ray Braswell High SchoolAubrey2,696
Guyer High SchoolDenton2,614
Little Elm High SchoolLittle Elm2,501
Premier High School OnlineLewisville2,470
Reedy High SchoolFrisco2,299
Lone Star High SchoolFrisco2,254
Ryan High SchoolDenton2,210
Northwest High SchoolJustin2,171
Wakeland High SchoolFrisco2,095
The Colony High SchoolThe Colony2,023
Denton High SchoolDenton1,916
Creekview High SchoolCarrollton1,690
Argyle High SchoolArgyle1,342
Lake Dallas High SchoolLake Dallas1,317
William Rushing Middle SchoolProsper1,200
Trent Middle SchoolFrisco1,130
Gene Pike Middle SchoolJustin1,122
Pioneer Heritage Middle SchoolFrisco1,091
Navo Middle SchoolAubrey1,058
Argyle Middle SchoolArgyle1,052
Killian Middle SchoolLewisville1,033
Pearson Middle SchoolFrisco1,021
Lowell High Strike Middle SchoolLittle Elm1,015
Medlin Middle SchoolTrophy Club994
Rodriguez Middle SchoolOak Point981
Jerry R. Walker Middle SchoolLittle Elm958
Union Park Elementary SchoolAubrey956
Strickland Middle SchoolDenton953
Stafford Middle SchoolFrisco952
Chuck and Cindy Stuber Elementary SchoolProsper950
Lake Dallas Middle SchoolLake Dallas950
Delay Middle SchoolLewisville941
Blalack Middle SchoolCarrollton933
Founders Classical AcademyLewisville932
Argyle WestArgyle907
Cobb Middle SchoolFrisco895
Forestwood Middle SchoolFlower Mound872
Harpool Middle SchoolLantana868
Arbor Creek Middle SchoolCarrollton867
Founders Classical Academy of Flower MoundLewisville860
Oak Point Elementary SchoolOak Point856
Leadership Prep School SecondaryFrisco846
Aubrey High SchoolAubrey840
Newman Elementary SchoolFrisco835
McKamy Middle SchoolFlower Mound833
Bettye Myers Middle SchoolShady Shores833
Briarhill Middle SchoolHighland Village823
Independence Elementary SchoolLewisville816
Crownover Middle SchoolCorinth815
Allen Elementary SchoolFrisco810
Miller Elementary SchoolLittle Elm807
Windsong Ranch Elementary SchoolProsper803
McMath Middle SchoolDenton802
Griffin Middle SchoolFrisco786
Savannah Elementary SchoolAubrey780
Sanger High SchoolSanger779
Samuel Beck Elementary SchoolTrophy Club762
Bledsoe Elementary SchoolFrisco753
Wellington Elementary SchoolFlower Mound752
Griffin Middle SchoolThe Colony752
Wayne A. Cox Elementary SchoolRoanoke749
Marshall Durham Middle SchoolLewisville747
Huffines Middle SchoolLewisville731
Nichols Elementary SchoolFrisco725
Lamar Middle SchoolFlower Mound723
Ponder Elementary SchoolPonder723
Aubrey Middle SchoolAubrey722
Cross Oaks Elementary SchoolCross Roads719
Sparks Elementary SchoolFrisco714
Catherine Bell Elementary SchoolLittle Elm712
Hackberry Elementary SchoolFrisco711
Mrs. Jerry Bryant Elementary SchoolProsper707
Hilltop Elementary SchoolArgyle706
Corbell Elementary SchoolFrisco703
McWhorter Elementary SchoolDallas702
Vaughn Elementary SchoolFrisco700
D. H. Brent Elementary SchoolLittle Elm700
Phillips Elementary SchoolFrisco697
Castle Hills Elementary SchoolLewisville696
Calhoun Middle SchoolDenton695
Paloma Creek Elementary SchoolAubrey683
Robertson Elementary SchoolFrisco679
Hosp Elementary SchoolFrisco674
Lance Thompson Elementary SchoolArgyle669
Krum High SchoolKrum667
Pecan Creek Elementary SchoolDenton665
Lakeland Elementary SchoolLewisville664
Providence Elementary SchoolAubrey661
Boals Elementary SchoolFrisco660
Roanoke Elementary SchoolRoanoke655
Pink Elementary SchoolFrisco653
Hedrick Middle SchoolLewisville652
Ginnings Elementary SchoolDenton652
Hodge Elementary SchoolDenton651
Rockbrook Elementary SchoolLewisville650
Nette ShultzDenton644
Clara Love Elementary SchoolJustin643
Creek Valley Middle SchoolCarrollton640
Prairie Trail Elementary SchoolFlower Mound635
Evers Park Elementary SchoolDenton634
Newton Rayzor Elementary SchoolDenton632
Shadow Ridge Middle SchoolFlower Mound631
Marjory Vickery Elementary SchoolFlower Mound629
Ischool Virtual Academy of TexasLewisville624
Rivera Elementary SchoolDenton620
Carroll Elementary SchoolFrisco617
Long Middle SchoolDallas606
Justin Elementary SchoolJustin600
Shady Shores Elementary SchoolLake Dallas600
Hawk Elementary SchoolCorinth599
Alice Moore AlexanderDenton598
Mill Street Elementary SchoolLewisville595
Tom Hicks Elementary SchoolFrisco594
Butterfield Elementary SchoolSanger594
Harmony Science Academy - CarrolltonCarrollton593
STEM Academy at Donald ElementaryFlower Mound592
Parkway Elementary SchoolLewisville589
Lakeview Elementary SchoolLittle Elm582
Lake Dallas Elementary SchoolLake Dallas577
Nelson Elementary SchoolDenton575
Lakeview Elementary SchoolRoanoke565
Southridge Elementary SchoolLewisville562
Corinth Elementary SchoolLake Dallas560
Bluebonnet Elementary SchoolFlower Mound556
Ryan Elementary SchoolDenton554
Trivium AcademyCarrollton553
STEM Academy at Valley Ridge ElementaryLewisville553
McAuliffe Elementary SchoolHighland Village548
Purefoy Elementary SchoolFrisco548
STEM Academy at Bridlewood ElementaryFlower Mound545
Hl BrockettAubrey543
Fisher Elementary SchoolFrisco538
Indian Creek Elementary SchoolCarrollton536
McNair Elementary SchoolDenton536
Krum Middle SchoolKrum536
Lewisville Elementary SchoolLewisville535
Peters Colony Elementary SchoolThe Colony535
Forest Vista Elementary SchoolFlower Mound535
Liberty Elementary SchoolFlower Mound533
Coyote Ridge Elementary SchoolCarrollton531
Houston Elementary SchoolDenton529
Central Elementary SchoolLewisville526
James A. MonacoAubrey517
W. R. Hatfield Elementary SchoolJustin517
Old Settlers Elementary SchoolFlower Mound510
Founders Classical Academy CorinthLewisville510
Heritage Elementary SchoolHighland Village508
Camey Elementary SchoolThe Colony502
Flower Mound Elementary SchoolFlower Mound502
Cesar Chavez Elementary SchoolLittle Elm499
Kent Elementary SchoolCarrollton499
Leadership Prep SchoolFrisco498
Blanton Elementary SchoolLantana497
McKamy Elementary SchoolDallas494
Degan Elementary SchoolLewisville493
Jackie Fuller Elementary SchoolAubrey490
Pilot Point Elementary SchoolPilot Point485
Ponder High SchoolPonder483
Homestead Elementary SchoolCarrollton482
Clayton Downing Middle SchoolFlower Mound481
Furneaux Elementary SchoolCarrollton477
Lakeview Middle SchoolThe Colony468
STEM Academy at Memorial ElementaryLewisville467
Sheffield Elementary SchoolDallas467
Prestwick Elementary SchoolThe Colony465
Davis Elementary SchoolCarrollton464
STEM Academy at Polser ElementaryCarrollton462
Timber Creek Elementary SchoolFlower Mound459
Rosemeade Elementary SchoolCarrollton457
Harmony School of Innovation - CarrolltonCarrollton455
Pilot Point High SchoolPilot Point447
Dorothy P. Adkins Elementary SchoolLantana443
Creekside Elementary SchoolLewisville440
Borman Elementary SchoolDenton440
Stephens Elementary SchoolShady Shores435
Sanger Middle SchoolSanger435
Hebron Valley Elementary SchoolCarrollton432
Thompson Elementary SchoolCarrollton428
Lillie J. Jackson Early Childhood CenterLewisville422
Founders Classical Academy Corinth - Upper SchoolLewisville417
Chisholm Trail Elementary SchoolSanger417
Ischool Lewisville (6-12 Campus)Lewisville402
Krum Early Education CenterKrum393
Ponder Junior High SchoolPonder376
Garden Ridge Elementary SchoolFlower Mound375
Ethridge Elementary SchoolThe Colony375
Morningside Elementary SchoolThe Colony362
Highland Village Elementary SchoolHighland Village356
Rainwater Elementary SchoolCarrollton337
Argyle Intermediate SchoolArgyle331
Pilot Point Selz Middle SchoolPilot Point328
Dyer Elementary SchoolKrum327
Clear Creek Intermediate SchoolSanger312
The Ann Windle School for Young ChildrenDenton310
Ep Rayzor Elementary SchoolLantana308
Blanche Dodd Elementary SchoolKrum293
Emilio & Guadalupe Gonzalez Pre-K CenterDenton282
Learning CenterLewisville274
North Texas Collegiate Academy-South CampusDenton270
B. B. Owen Elementary SchoolThe Colony265
James M. Steele High SchoolFort Worth236
North Texas Collegiate Academy-East CampusLittle Elm216
North Texas Collegiate Academy-North CampusDenton209
The Lagrone AcademyLivingston198
Sanger Sixth Grade CampusSanger194
Denton Classical AcademyLewisville192
Pilot Point Early Childhood CenterPilot Point172
Winfree Academy Charter School (Lewisville)Carrollton170
Ischool Lewisville (K-5 Campus)Lewisville133
Lester DavisDenton85
Fred Moore High SchoolDenton56
Joe Dale Sparks CampusDenton50
Denton County JJAEPLewisville25
Linda Tutt High SchoolSanger19
Denton County JJAEPDenton6
Denton County JJAEPJustin2


Dorothy P. Adkins ElementaryCobb MiddleB.b. Owen ElementaryMcNair ElementaryLeadership Prep School SecondaryCentral ElementaryProvidence ElementaryBorman ElementaryLake Dallas ElementaryHosp ElementaryShadow Ridge MiddleFounders Classical Academy of Flower MoundW.r. Hatfield ElementaryMrs. Jerry Bryant Elementary SchoolNorth Texas Collegiate Academy-South CampusTrivium AcademyLakeview ElementaryMcKamy ElementaryHebron Valley ElementaryLiberty ElementaryUnion Park Elementary SchoolBridlewood ElementaryFisher ElementaryGarden Ridge ElementaryMedlin MiddleCesar Chavez ElementaryThe Lagrone AcademyHackberry ElementaryReedy High SchoolLester DavisHarmony Science Academy - CarrolltonCatherine Bell ElementaryByron Nelson High SchoolCastle Hills ElementaryPrestwick Elementary SchoolLewisville High SchoolFlower Mound High SchoolSanger High SchoolFlower Mound ElementaryHarmony School of Innovation - CarrolltonMarjory Vickery ElementaryIschool Virtual Academy of TexasAubrey MiddleLinda Tutt High SchoolSTEM Academy at Memorial ElementarySanger Sixth Grade CampusNorth Texas Collegiate Academy-North CampusBlanton ElementaryCreekview High SchoolWindsong Ranch ElementaryStem Academy - LewisvilleIndependence ElementaryClara Love ElementaryDelay MiddleBlanche Dodd IntermediateSouthridge ElementaryPonder ElementarySanger MiddleDegan ElementaryMcKamy MiddleRobertson ElementaryHomestead ElementaryPremier High School OnlineForestwood MiddleRosemeade ElementaryD.h. Brent ElementaryBluebonnet ElementaryDavis ElementaryPecan Creek ElementaryMorningside ElementaryHebron High SchoolHawk ElementaryRyan High SchoolThe Ann Windle School for Young ChildrenPilot Point ElementaryWilson ElementaryHarpool MiddleArgyle IntermediateRodriguez Middle SchoolTimber Creek ElementaryNavo MiddleHuffines MiddleStephens ElementaryPeters Colony ElementaryDenton County JjaepGene Pike MiddlePink ElementaryKrum Early Education CenterCross Oaks ElementaryHilltop ElementaryLakeland ElementaryPolser ElementaryWinfree Academy Charter School (lewisville)Wayne A. Cox ElementaryFurneaux ElementaryDenton Classical AcademyWellington ElementaryPaloma Creek ElementaryBettye Myers MiddlePonder High SchoolCrownover MiddleCorbell ElementaryBlalack MiddleArgyle WestPioneer Heritage MiddleJames A. MonacoSavannah ElementaryTom Hicks ElementaryMarcus High SchoolAlice Moore AlexanderMcMath MiddleNewman ElementaryEvers Park ElementaryLong MiddleArgyle MiddleMcWhorter ElementaryRivera ElementaryMarshall Durham MiddleChisholm Trail ElementaryKrum High SchoolMill Street ElementaryPhillips ElementaryPilot Point Selz MiddleTexas State Executive - State Board of EducationHouston ElementaryLillie J. Jackson Early Childhood CenterJerry R. Walker MiddleNorth Texas Collegiate Academy-East CampusBledsoe ElementaryChuck and Cindy Stuber Elementary SchoolValley Ridge ElementaryCreekside ElementaryEp Rayzor ElementaryArgyle High SchoolRoanoke ElementaryLakeview ElementaryEmilio & Guadalupe Gonzalez Pre-K CenterJackie Fuller Elementary SchoolHodge ElementaryLeadership Prep SchoolShady Shores Elementary SchoolDyer ElementaryRay Braswell High SchoolNichols ElementaryThe Colony High SchoolKrum MiddleCoyote Ridge ElementaryLance Thompson ElementaryLakeview MiddleLake Dallas MiddleBoals ElementaryPilot Point High SchoolPurefoy ElementaryFounders Classical AcademyCorinth Classical Upper SchoolCreek Valley MiddlePrairie Trail ElementaryRyan ElementaryLewisville ElementaryCorinth Elementary SchoolArbor Creek MiddleSheffield ElementaryAllen ElementaryForest Vista ElementaryIndian Creek ElementaryClear Creek IntermediateJustin ElementaryLowell H. Strike MiddleOld Settlers ElementaryCalhoun MiddleGuyer High SchoolVaughn ElementaryHighland Village ElementaryTrent MiddleNewton Rayzor ElementaryFred Moore High SchoolHedrick MiddleThompson ElementaryLearning CenterDenton High SchoolPonder Junior HighWilliam Rushing Middle SchoolNorthwest High SchoolGriffin MiddleEthridge ElementaryOak Point ElementaryPilot Point IntermediateParkway ElementaryStafford MiddleButterfield ElementaryCarroll ElementaryLittle Elm High SchoolMiller ElementaryDonald ElementaryStrickland MiddleJoe Dale Sparks CampusKillian MiddleIschool High - LewisvilleWakeland High SchoolSparks ElementaryRockbrook ElementaryMcAuliffe ElementaryHl BrockettGriffin MiddleSamuel Beck ElementaryNelson ElementaryGinnings ElementaryCamey ElementaryHeritage ElementaryRainwater ElementaryJames M. Steele High SchoolLamar MiddleKent ElementaryPearson MiddleClayton Downing MiddleBriarhill MiddleLake Dallas High School


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