
North Texas News

Friday, March 28, 2025

In 2022-23 school year, white students had highest representation in Denton County schools

Webp pam little

Texas State Board Of Education Vice Chair Pam Little (2024) | pamlittle.com

Texas State Board Of Education Vice Chair Pam Little (2024) | pamlittle.com

White students made up the largest ethnic group in Denton County schools in the 2022-23 school year, according to the Texas Education Agency.

Of the 167,029 students attending Denton County schools, 39.6% were white. Hispanic students were the second largest ethnicity, making up 29.1% of the total enrollment.

In the previous school year, white students also made up the largest ethnic group in Denton County, comprising 41.3% of the student body.

Degan Elementary School had the most even distribution of races among the county schools, which included 27.7% Black students, 26.1% Hispanic students, 22.1% white students, 14.6% Asian students, 9.1% multiracial students, 0.2% American Indian students, and 0.2% Pacific Islander students.

In the 2022-23 school year, total public school enrollment in the county increased by 0.3% when compared to the previous year.

Education in Texas is often a hot button issue, especially as test scores lag behind other states.

“The problems commonly cited are flaws in the school financing system, relatively low teacher salary, poor test performance by students…dropouts from traditional schools in favor of charter schools…gun violence, and mental health issues,” claimed the Texas Almanac.

Percentage Breakdown of Ethnic Representation in 2022-23 Enrollment in Denton County

White [39.6%]Hispanic [29.1%]Black [13.3%]Asian [12.7%]Ethnicities <5% [5.3%]
Students’ Ethnicity Percentage in Denton County Schools in 2022-23 School Year

School nameMost prevalent ethnic groupPercent of Total Student BodyTotal enrollment
Alice Moore AlexanderHispanic66.6%599
Allen Elementary SchoolAsian43.1%808
Arbor Creek Middle SchoolWhite40.2%887
Argyle High SchoolWhite71%1,477
Argyle Middle SchoolWhite68.2%1,168
Argyle WestWhite66.9%845
Aubrey High SchoolWhite55.9%923
Aubrey Middle SchoolWhite52%814
B. B. Owen Elementary SchoolWhite41.8%263
Bettye Myers Middle SchoolHispanic39.3%821
Blalack Middle SchoolHispanic48.1%888
Blanche Dodd Elementary SchoolWhite61.5%312
Blanton Elementary SchoolWhite69.1%530
Bledsoe Elementary SchoolWhite42.7%708
Bluebonnet Elementary SchoolAsian47.5%632
Boals Elementary SchoolWhite37.9%692
Borman Elementary SchoolHispanic63.4%429
Briarhill Middle SchoolWhite74.6%799
Butterfield Elementary SchoolWhite57%600
Byron Nelson High SchoolWhite60.3%2,809
Calhoun Middle SchoolHispanic45.3%757
Camey Elementary SchoolHispanic45.3%490
Carroll Elementary SchoolHispanic57.3%508
Castle Hills Elementary SchoolWhite46%706
Catherine Bell Elementary SchoolBlack48.2%650
Central Elementary SchoolHispanic85.2%519
Cesar Chavez Elementary SchoolWhite36.9%491
Chisholm Trail Elementary SchoolWhite56.2%409
Chuck and Cindy Stuber Elementary SchoolWhite38.3%832
Clara Love Elementary SchoolWhite45.6%766
Clayton Downing Middle SchoolWhite65.8%511
Clear Creek Intermediate SchoolWhite64%339
Cobb Middle SchoolWhite42.4%905
Corbell Elementary SchoolAsian37.8%572
Corinth Elementary SchoolWhite46.6%580
Coyote Ridge Elementary SchoolAsian34.1%540
Creek Valley Middle SchoolAsian37.2%600
Creekside Elementary SchoolHispanic46.4%420
Creekview High SchoolHispanic52.5%1,610
Cross Oaks Elementary SchoolHispanic30.8%699
Crownover Middle SchoolWhite50.2%840
D. H. Brent Elementary SchoolHispanic47.8%670
Davis Elementary SchoolHispanic78%518
Degan Elementary SchoolBlack27.7%452
Delay Middle SchoolHispanic75.9%690
Denton Classical AcademyWhite60.8%189
Denton County JJAEPHispanic56.5%46
Denton County JJAEPHispanic33.3%6
Denton High SchoolHispanic41.7%2,024
Dorothy P. Adkins Elementary SchoolWhite63.4%448
Dyer Elementary SchoolWhite55.6%329
Emilio & Guadalupe Gonzalez Pre-K CenterHispanic54.2%249
Ep Rayzor Elementary SchoolWhite72.7%322
Ethridge Elementary SchoolWhite48.6%368
Evers Park Elementary SchoolHispanic40.2%659
Fisher Elementary SchoolWhite44.5%665
Flower Mound Elementary SchoolWhite56.3%584
Flower Mound High SchoolWhite55.7%3,542
Forest Vista Elementary SchoolWhite51.1%569
Forestwood Middle SchoolWhite55.8%892
Founders Classical AcademyWhite45%934
Founders Classical Academy CorinthWhite56.6%475
Founders Classical Academy Corinth - Upper SchoolWhite63.2%514
Founders Classical Academy of Flower MoundWhite52.3%953
Fred Moore High SchoolWhite35.6%59
Furneaux Elementary SchoolHispanic45.6%425
Garden Ridge Elementary SchoolWhite52.1%380
Gene Pike Middle SchoolWhite56.8%1,150
Ginnings Elementary SchoolHispanic58.8%617
Griffin Middle SchoolWhite56.4%830
Griffin Middle SchoolHispanic40.4%755
Guyer High SchoolWhite54.8%2,554
Hackberry Elementary SchoolHispanic38.9%732
Harmony School of Innovation - CarrolltonHispanic35.3%419
Harmony Science Academy - CarrolltonHispanic42.6%578
Harpool Middle SchoolWhite67.4%820
Hawk Elementary SchoolWhite58%635
Hebron High SchoolAsian30.6%3,678
Hebron Valley Elementary SchoolAsian30.6%415
Hedrick Middle SchoolHispanic65.4%850
Heritage Elementary SchoolWhite67.1%511
Highland Village Elementary SchoolWhite69.8%358
Hilltop Elementary SchoolWhite81.3%636
Hl BrockettWhite66.7%529
Hodge Elementary SchoolHispanic74.1%634
Homestead Elementary SchoolWhite44.8%462
Hosp Elementary SchoolAsian52%725
Houston Elementary SchoolWhite45%502
Huffines Middle SchoolHispanic48.9%679
Independence Elementary SchoolHispanic55.4%799
Indian Creek Elementary SchoolWhite31.6%535
Ischool Lewisville (6-12 Campus)White35.2%338
Ischool Lewisville (K-5 Campus)Black30.7%101
Ischool Virtual Academy of TexasWhite45.7%956
Jackie Fuller Elementary SchoolWhite34.6%735
James A. MonacoWhite49.7%537
James M. Steele High SchoolWhite55.8%226
Jerry R. Walker Middle SchoolHispanic43.5%932
Joe Dale Sparks CampusWhite35.5%62
Justin Elementary SchoolWhite70.2%605
Kent Elementary SchoolHispanic30.6%468
Killian Middle SchoolAsian35.6%1,009
Krum Early Education CenterWhite52.1%430
Krum High SchoolWhite62.8%686
Krum Middle SchoolWhite58%541
Lake Dallas Elementary SchoolHispanic47.6%534
Lake Dallas High SchoolWhite48.7%1,293
Lake Dallas Middle SchoolWhite44.5%902
Lakeland Elementary SchoolHispanic81.3%620
Lakeview Elementary SchoolWhite39.8%585
Lakeview Elementary SchoolWhite70.7%547
Lakeview Middle SchoolHispanic34.7%426
Lamar Middle SchoolWhite52.2%753
Lance Thompson Elementary SchoolWhite59.4%825
Leadership Prep SchoolAsian44.6%500
Leadership Prep School SecondaryWhite33%851
Learning CenterHispanic44.9%243
Lester DavisBlack34.8%92
Lewisville Elementary SchoolHispanic58.6%512
Lewisville High SchoolHispanic57.2%4,240
Liberty Elementary SchoolWhite52.4%593
Lillie J. Jackson Early Childhood CenterHispanic58.8%464
Linda Tutt High SchoolWhite75%24
Little Elm High SchoolHispanic40.7%2,514
Lone Star High SchoolWhite38.3%2,036
Long Middle SchoolHispanic59.9%626
Lowell High Strike Middle SchoolHispanic35.6%992
Marcus High SchoolWhite63.7%3,005
Marjory Vickery Elementary SchoolHispanic67.2%622
Marshall Durham Middle SchoolBlack43.2%715
McAuliffe Elementary SchoolWhite81.4%539
McKamy Elementary SchoolHispanic52.3%533
McKamy Middle SchoolWhite48.3%805
McMath Middle SchoolWhite41.9%761
McNair Elementary SchoolHispanic46.3%561
McWhorter Elementary SchoolBlack48.3%698
Medlin Middle SchoolWhite65.4%991
Mill Street Elementary SchoolHispanic73.6%613
Miller Elementary SchoolAsian47.7%602
Morningside Elementary SchoolWhite37.9%364
Mrs. Jerry Bryant Elementary SchoolWhite34.5%1,021
Navo Middle SchoolBlack40.7%1,051
Nelson Elementary SchoolWhite42.5%520
Nette ShultzWhite48.3%690
Newman Elementary SchoolWhite46.6%622
Newton Rayzor Elementary SchoolWhite42%641
Nichols Elementary SchoolAsian58%714
North Texas Collegiate Academy-East CampusHispanic45.5%253
North Texas Collegiate Academy-North CampusWhite35.9%231
North Texas Collegiate Academy-South CampusHispanic86.3%277
Northwest High SchoolWhite55.7%2,264
Oak Point Elementary SchoolHispanic47.9%952
Old Settlers Elementary SchoolWhite59%480
Paloma Creek Elementary SchoolBlack44.5%616
Parkway Elementary SchoolHispanic58.4%560
Pearson Middle SchoolAsian45.2%997
Pecan Creek Elementary SchoolHispanic41.1%671
Peters Colony Elementary SchoolHispanic64.1%532
Phillips Elementary SchoolAsian30.8%694
Pilot Point Early Childhood CenterHispanic52.4%185
Pilot Point Elementary SchoolHispanic49%516
Pilot Point High SchoolHispanic48%452
Pilot Point Selz Middle SchoolHispanic54.5%330
Pink Elementary SchoolWhite43.5%671
Pioneer Heritage Middle SchoolAsian43.3%1,076
Ponder Elementary SchoolWhite58%754
Ponder High SchoolWhite60.6%505
Ponder Junior High SchoolWhite57.2%381
Prairie Trail Elementary SchoolWhite45.9%643
Premier High School OnlineHispanic40.5%2,107
Prestwick Elementary SchoolWhite52.2%473
Providence Elementary SchoolBlack39.7%655
Purefoy Elementary SchoolWhite50.8%649
Rainwater Elementary SchoolHispanic31%336
Ray Braswell High SchoolBlack39.9%2,767
Reedy High SchoolWhite43.7%2,275
Rivera Elementary SchoolHispanic48.8%642
Roanoke Elementary SchoolHispanic40.2%677
Robertson Elementary SchoolWhite35.3%712
Rockbrook Elementary SchoolBlack55.1%655
Rodriguez Middle SchoolBlack42%973
Rosemeade Elementary SchoolHispanic40.8%461
Ryan Elementary SchoolWhite44.1%612
Ryan High SchoolHispanic44.5%2,194
STEM Academy at Bridlewood ElementaryWhite68.8%573
STEM Academy at Donald ElementaryWhite56.3%570
STEM Academy at Memorial ElementaryAsian43.5%632
STEM Academy at Polser ElementaryAsian28.2%479
STEM Academy at Valley Ridge ElementaryWhite35.3%524
Samuel Beck Elementary SchoolWhite69.8%725
Sanger High SchoolWhite60.5%827
Sanger Middle SchoolWhite54.5%389
Sanger Sixth Grade CampusWhite59.2%213
Savannah Elementary SchoolWhite36.1%740
Shadow Ridge Middle SchoolWhite45.1%649
Shady Shores Elementary SchoolWhite50.4%591
Sheffield Elementary SchoolHispanic48.1%486
Southridge Elementary SchoolHispanic49.6%619
Sparks Elementary SchoolWhite40%598
Stafford Middle SchoolWhite31.6%927
Stephens Elementary SchoolBlack37.9%464
Strickland Middle SchoolHispanic49.8%940
The Ann Windle School for Young ChildrenHispanic46%309
The Colony High SchoolHispanic38.7%1,895
The Lagrone AcademyWhite48.6%210
Thompson Elementary SchoolHispanic78.6%416
Timber Creek Elementary SchoolWhite52.5%434
Tom Hicks Elementary SchoolWhite48.1%621
Trent Middle SchoolWhite37.2%1,115
Trivium AcademyWhite43.6%621
Union Park Elementary SchoolBlack33.2%695
Vaughn Elementary SchoolWhite35.8%729
W. R. Hatfield Elementary SchoolWhite40.3%613
Wakeland High SchoolWhite63.1%2,147
Wayne A. Cox Elementary SchoolWhite53.6%791
Wellington Elementary SchoolWhite53.9%739
William Rushing Middle SchoolWhite41.5%1,507
Windsong Ranch Elementary SchoolWhite51.7%888
Winfree Academy Charter School (Lewisville)Hispanic52.1%146


Dorothy P. Adkins ElementaryCobb MiddleB.b. Owen ElementaryMcNair ElementaryLeadership Prep School SecondaryCentral ElementaryProvidence ElementaryBorman ElementaryLake Dallas ElementaryHosp ElementaryShadow Ridge MiddleFounders Classical Academy of Flower MoundW.r. Hatfield ElementaryMrs. Jerry Bryant Elementary SchoolNorth Texas Collegiate Academy-South CampusTrivium AcademyLakeview ElementaryMcKamy ElementaryHebron Valley ElementaryLiberty ElementaryUnion Park Elementary SchoolBridlewood ElementaryFisher ElementaryGarden Ridge ElementaryMedlin MiddleCesar Chavez ElementaryThe Lagrone AcademyHackberry ElementaryReedy High SchoolLester DavisHarmony Science Academy - CarrolltonCatherine Bell ElementaryByron Nelson High SchoolCastle Hills ElementaryPrestwick Elementary SchoolLewisville High SchoolFlower Mound High SchoolSanger High SchoolFlower Mound ElementaryHarmony School of Innovation - CarrolltonMarjory Vickery ElementaryIschool Virtual Academy of TexasAubrey MiddleLinda Tutt High SchoolSTEM Academy at Memorial ElementarySanger Sixth Grade CampusNorth Texas Collegiate Academy-North CampusBlanton ElementaryCreekview High SchoolWindsong Ranch ElementaryStem Academy - LewisvilleIndependence ElementaryClara Love ElementaryDelay MiddleBlanche Dodd IntermediateSouthridge ElementaryPonder ElementarySanger MiddleDegan ElementaryMcKamy MiddleRobertson ElementaryHomestead ElementaryPremier High School OnlineForestwood MiddleRosemeade ElementaryD.h. Brent ElementaryBluebonnet ElementaryDavis ElementaryPecan Creek ElementaryMorningside ElementaryHebron High SchoolHawk ElementaryRyan High SchoolThe Ann Windle School for Young ChildrenPilot Point ElementaryWilson ElementaryHarpool MiddleRodriguez Middle SchoolTimber Creek ElementaryNavo MiddleHuffines MiddleStephens ElementaryPeters Colony ElementaryGene Pike MiddlePink ElementaryKrum Early Education CenterCross Oaks ElementaryHilltop ElementaryLakeland ElementaryPolser ElementaryWinfree Academy Charter School (lewisville)Wayne A. Cox ElementaryFurneaux ElementaryDenton Classical AcademyWellington ElementaryPaloma Creek ElementaryBettye Myers MiddlePonder High SchoolCrownover MiddleCorbell ElementaryBlalack MiddleArgyle WestPioneer Heritage MiddleJames A. MonacoSavannah ElementaryTom Hicks ElementaryMarcus High SchoolAlice Moore AlexanderMcMath MiddleNewman ElementaryEvers Park ElementaryLong MiddleArgyle MiddleMcWhorter ElementaryRivera ElementaryMarshall Durham MiddleChisholm Trail ElementaryKrum High SchoolMill Street ElementaryPhillips ElementaryPilot Point Selz MiddleTexas State Executive - State Board of EducationHouston ElementaryLillie J. Jackson Early Childhood CenterJerry R. Walker MiddleNorth Texas Collegiate Academy-East CampusBledsoe ElementaryChuck and Cindy Stuber Elementary SchoolValley Ridge ElementaryCreekside ElementaryEp Rayzor ElementaryArgyle High SchoolRoanoke ElementaryLakeview ElementaryEmilio & Guadalupe Gonzalez Pre-K CenterJackie Fuller Elementary SchoolHodge ElementaryLeadership Prep SchoolShady Shores Elementary SchoolDyer ElementaryRay Braswell High SchoolNichols ElementaryThe Colony High SchoolKrum MiddleCoyote Ridge ElementaryLance Thompson ElementaryLakeview MiddleLake Dallas MiddleBoals ElementaryPilot Point High SchoolPurefoy ElementaryFounders Classical AcademyCorinth Classical Upper SchoolCreek Valley MiddlePrairie Trail ElementaryRyan ElementaryLewisville ElementaryCorinth Elementary SchoolArbor Creek MiddleSheffield ElementaryAllen ElementaryForest Vista ElementaryIndian Creek ElementaryClear Creek IntermediateJustin ElementaryLowell H. Strike MiddleOld Settlers ElementaryCalhoun MiddleGuyer High SchoolVaughn ElementaryHighland Village ElementaryTrent MiddleNewton Rayzor ElementaryFred Moore High SchoolHedrick MiddleThompson ElementaryLearning CenterDenton High SchoolPonder Junior HighWilliam Rushing Middle SchoolNorthwest High SchoolGriffin MiddleEthridge ElementaryOak Point ElementaryPilot Point IntermediateParkway ElementaryStafford MiddleButterfield ElementaryCarroll ElementaryLittle Elm High SchoolMiller ElementaryDonald ElementaryStrickland MiddleJoe Dale Sparks CampusKillian MiddleIschool High - LewisvilleWakeland High SchoolSparks ElementaryRockbrook ElementaryMcAuliffe ElementaryHl BrockettGriffin MiddleSamuel Beck ElementaryNelson ElementaryGinnings ElementaryCamey ElementaryHeritage ElementaryRainwater ElementaryJames M. Steele High SchoolLamar MiddleKent ElementaryPearson MiddleClayton Downing MiddleBriarhill MiddleLake Dallas High School


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