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The Texas Veterans' Commission’s Fund for Veterans Assistance recently awarded $9.4 million in grants to 31 organizations in the North Texas region.
The Texas Veterans' Commission reports these organizations directly serve more than 6,100 veterans and their families. The grants were provided to nonprofits and government organizations that provide assistance directly to veterans in various forms including financial aid, transportation, legal services, family support services, home modification and rental and mortgage assistance.
The grants were awards in five categories: General Assistance, Housing for Texas Heroes, Veterans Mental Health Grants, Veterans Treatment Courts, and Veteran County Service Officers.
These funds were part of more than $30.7 million in grants awarded to 109 Texas organizations across the the state serving more than 33,400 veterans and their families.
The North Texas Grant Assistance Directory for Texas Veterans can be found online. Maps of grant recipient regions by county and services are available to veterans seeking assistance from organizations providing help in their local area can be found on TVC’s grant web page.